Wednesday 10 February 2010

Magazine Research Powerpoint

Double page spread original picture:

Front page original image:

My flatplan for my magazine

This is the flat plan i have made for my magazine front cover. I have decided to keep the cover simple, by not putting lots of information and too many photos on it.
I have followed magazines such as NME and Q by placing my masthead in the top left corner. I have also decided to have one main image on my magazine which is situated in the middle of the page. This image will be of a person looking towards the camera, which will draw readers in to look at the magazine.
This flat plan is a template of what i will try to follow when making my magazine.

This is a flatplan of how i intend my contents page to look. I want the heading of my page to be "Contents Page", and have a picture below of one of the stories that will feature in my magazine.

This is the left hand side of my double page spread. It will be mainly of a picture, and have a few key facts/quotes from the story or interview. I will have my magazine's name in the top left hand corner, as this keeps the reader aware of the magazine they are reading.